Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Take Heart

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulations. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

I so often find myself worrying. Too often. I worry about things that are happening now. I worry about things that are yet to come. Shoot, I even worry about things that are done, over, have already happened and come to pass.
Christ does not call me or any of us to worry. In fact, He tells us, commands us even to "not worry about your life." (Matthew 6)

Christ has overcome the world.

That means that the things of the past, what's going on now, and all that is yet to come in the future are under His control, under His sovereignty, and that He's bigger than all of it. ALL of it! Everything. Totally, completely over and above and in control of all things. 

I'm memorizing John 16:33 this week along with my Scripture memory class, and I am so thrilled to have this promise written on my heart. What peace to know that when I face trial or tribulation Christ has already overcome it. God is in control.


Praise the Lord. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so encouraging! I've been going through a lot this past week, and, like you, I'm such a stinkin' worrywart! It's reassuring to know that Jesus has overcome everything, and that there is no reason for me to worry about anything. Thanks for this! It was great reading it :)
